Our oldest turned 4 yesterday. I’ve always heard the days can at times feel like years but the years will feel like a day. So true. It seems like yesterday that we were pacing our living room at 3 AM watching the Olympics live because we had an infant who did not like to sleep on his back. Sigh.
Now’s he’s a very active 4 year old who loves the Phillies so after I gained some confidence with our middle child’s Elmo cupcakes I thought I’d give the Phillies mascot, the Phanatic, a shot for his birthday party. Hmmm. About 15 hours before his birthday party I stood in my kitchen, ingredients in hand, wondering what I was thinking. Cupcakes of this?
Pushing on. The most distinctive part of the Phantic is his snout so I figured that had to be very pronounced. I sprayed large marshmallows green with Wilton Color Mist. Using Betty Crocker icing that comes in a can with the decorating tips built in I covered the cupcake in green frosting. To make the eyes I cut a mini marshmallow in half and used the tips of chocolate chips for the eye balls. I swear they were easier than the look and Matthew loved them!
Go Phils!