Most people would be appalled at covering hardwood floors with carpet. Those people probably don't have 3 very loud little boys. My kids sound like a herd of baby elephants who even make their elephant mama say "what the what the?" with all the noise.
Our oldest is a very early riser and thinks that the only way to get out of bed is to launch himself out of the bed, shaking the entire house as he hits the ground so that everyone, including the Richter Scale knows he's awake. It immediately wakes his younger brothers and then the trio is off to wake mom and dad. After 5.5 years of sleep deprivation it was time to take action.
When we bought the house we knew that the flooring would all have to be replaced. It was badly damaged from the prior owners' pet(s) and had been refinished so many times they couldn't be sanded down any further. At this point in our lives carpet makes the most sense. Quiet, economical and provides a little cushion when the boys fall/jump/push each other out of their beds. We chose a nylon carpet from Shaw in 'perfect beige.' It has a subtle checked pattern.
Water damage from a bathroom leak behind the wall. Now you see it... you don't.
Morning #1 post installation we all slept 1/2 hour later. Even if it never happens again that 1/2 hour was amazing and will have been worth every penny :)