Friday, April 10, 2015


Wainscoting has begun. A reminder of what we started with: 

We're not carpenters by any stretch of the imagination but the approach that has worked best for us in the past is:

Measure, measure, measure and then cut all the pieces

Dry fit everything.  This isn't exactly what our design looks like (ours doesn't have the 2nd baseboard) but pretty close and gives you an idea of how to layer wainscoting:

Mark the centers (building a jig helps) and number each piece while still on the wall so you can put it back together again.

Biscuit the ends.  Biscuits are little discs of wood and if you route small holes on 2 pieces of wood, apply glue to both holes will create a nice, strong bond.

Ask your 6 year old to mark all the studs.  Giving a kid the freedom to write on the walls is pretty awesome to them.

Apply construction adhesive to the backs.

Apply glue to the biscuit and the holes.

Place and level before the glue dries.

Nail all the boards and screw the outside corners (so that as the seasons change and the wood wants to expand and contract the seams won't pull away).

This is where we currently are.  We still need to add the rest of the trim to the boxes and the ledge up top.  Then I have to finalize a paint color.  

I'm pretty sure my cleaning lady hates us...

1 comment:

  1. Why did you biscuit boards together instead of purchasing a larger board?
